Data Science

Conduct the research that helps organizations plan new marketing strategies, make business decisions, and map out the path to future success.

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Find the meaning in the math.

Data scientists design and execute experiments to measure important trends. How much inventory should we order this month, how much do customers typically spend on our website, are we allocating our marketing budget effectively? You’ll learn the right questions to ask and how to crunch the numbers.

Sponsors, Professors, and Experts

Our Data Science major was developed with input from some of the top names in data and computer science.

Dr. Charles Severance

University of Michigan

Charles Severance holds a PhD in Computer Science from Michigan State University. He is the world’s leading online CS educator; his online courses graduate thousands of students a week. His contributions and curriculum form the backbone of many of our technology majors

Mala Sarat Chandra

Technology Pioneer

Mala Chandra developed multiple core Java technologies, including J2EE, J2ME and Java Beans. In 2004, she was named one of the 25 most influential women in the development of the internet, in addition to being named a top 50 project management professional. She has developed courses in gamification, social media and other subjects for the University of Washington.

Facts Breakdown

Quick facts on the industry.

Why study Data Science

Our curriculum advisors are industry leaders who have spent decades at the top of their fields.

Go beyond the data

Add courses from your chosen field to your major, so you can learn programming and practical knowledge about your industry.

Be ready

We consulted with industry leaders to learn what skills they seek most in new hires.

What you'll learn.

DAM I - Foundations I

DAM II - Foundations II

DAM III - Principles and Techniques I

DAM IV - Principles and Techniques II

DAM V - Practicum