Applied AI

Rize’s Applied AI program is a highly technical program designed to be offered as a combined major or concentration for Computer Science and Data Science majors. The 5-course sequence will provide students with the knowledge and hands-on experience to build custom AI systems, design neural architectures, fine-tune models, engineer effective prompts, design experiments, and create informative visualizations to communicate the value of their work.

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Add an Applied AI program to attract & enroll career-focused Computer Science and Data Science students.

Innovate your campus with this in-demand program and fully equip your students with the expertise they need to thrive in today’s competitive job market.

Sponsors, Professors, and Experts

This program was created by a team of experts and accomplished leaders from academia and the artificial intelligence sector, with the following primary program consultant:

Risto Miikkulainen

Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin

Risto Miikkulainen is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin and VP of AI Research at Cognizant Advanced AI Labs. He received an M.S. in Engineering from the Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto University) in 1986, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA. His current research focuses on methods and applications of neuroevolution, as well as neural network models of natural language processing and vision. He has published hundreds of important works for AI and was selected by the The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) as one of 11 fellows for 2023 (a very prestigious fellowship).

Facts Breakdown

Quick facts on the industry.

Why study Applied AI

AI is revolutionizing how we work. There's a need for skilled professionals. ‍Students want in.

Student demand

64% of the class of 2027 say AI has at least somewhat influenced what they plan to study.

Career preparation

Employer demand for AI jobs have grown 75% over the past four years.

What you'll learn.

AAI I - Introduction to Generative AI

AAI II - How to Get a Job in AI

AAI III - Predictive Modeling in AI

AAI IV - Prescriptive AI

CS or DS Capstone